
“Active listening is miraculous for both listener and speaker. When someone receives us with open-hearted, non-judging, intensely interested listening, our spirits expand.” – Sue Patton Thoele

My Mission & Values

As an intuitive life/health coach, I whole-heartedly believe that we are not broken. My greatest desire is to help enable my clients to illicit their own, innate virtue, release what is no longer serving them, become self-responsible, and self-complete.

What does this mean, “illicit virtue”? In our day-to-day lives, people often become stuck in cycles of repetition that prevent us from forward progress, but when we define what we really want, what we stand for, and remove what is unnecessary and obstructive, we illicit virtue. This process can provide any individual with the feelings of balance and clarity that can be so elusive today. I am passionate about providing my clients the tools necessary to remove the blockages and obstacles that are preventing the forward movement toward achieving their goals successfully.


Someone once asked me, “What brought you to holistic life coaching?”

My story of loss and self-medicating began during the period of time my first marriage to the mother of my two children was ending. Many people understand the overwhelming feelings that such major life events can trigger, and the strong urge to control or suppress anything that feels painful or difficult.

I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa. This is a degenerative eye disease. My doctors told me there is no cure, and that I may eventually become completely blind. In 2010, five years after this diagnosis, I was declared “legally blind”. When my employer found the extent of my condition, I was asked to go on long term disability. In 2013, both of my parents passed away, two months apart.

Over thirteen years, I experienced the loss of my marriage, my parents, and my vision, and I was embedding myself deeper into an unhealthy spiral of depression, intensified by alcohol and prescription drug abuse. My attitude then was that there must be a pill to fix everything, and if I help that pill down with alcohol, life is good. This behavior took its toll on my second marriage. At our first couples therapy session she said she wanted a separation. I immediately had a complete breakdown, and spent the next week in the detox wing of the hospital, followed by three weeks in a rehabilitation facility. During my recovery, my second wife filed for divorce, and I found myself seriously contemplating suicide. It was then that I thought about my children, and I knew I needed to summon up the strength to pull myself out of the darkness.

Somehow, I ended up getting a psychic reading, where I was told that I was a healer. This was mindboggling to me. All I could think was, “I am too messed up to be any kind of healer.” Nevertheless, I found that I was compelled to learn more. I started reading everything I could find on healers, and soon stumbled into the realm of metaphysics. As I continued my studies, I began to remove everything from my life that was no longer serving me, deepened my relationships with my children, restored a friendship with their mother, and as I learned who I really am…I recovered.

I trained in holistic life coaching, health coaching, and all areas of the metaphysical. I became certified as an ordained minister, a Reiki Master/Teacher, Health Coach, and Illuminator Life Coach. After nearly 30 years, I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Individualized Studies, and I earned a PhD. in Metaphysical Philosophy. I also became a peer mentor for others who are experiencing vision loss, through a local agency that has provided me with vital resources over the past few years, including training in technology and travel that were an integral part of all of my other endeavors.

With this training and regular therapy, I was able to get off of all psychological medications. I now have an entirely new outlook on life. By integrating these approaches into my own daily practice, I find that it is much easier to find the joys and sweetness that life is so full of. I now communicate in a very different way. I notice this most profoundly in my current relationship. My partner and I communicate in an interdependent way that was not a reality for me just a few years ago.

It is time for me to give back! I did this alone, and I want to support others on their journey. Together, we will continue to expand our minds, holding life with open and accepting minds, exploring all of the possibilities that will unfold.


I observe the definition of success according to Dr. Ralph Vernacchia . In an article titled “The Coach’s Philosophy”. Dr. Vernacchia writes, “Success is available to EVERYONE. Success is not determined by how well one does against another, but rather is measured only against oneself. Success can be understood as a product of four essential factors.” The four factors that equal success are Ability, Preparation, Effort, and Will. Three aspects that I incorporate into my coaching are Integrity, Virtue and Goals. I believe that the best way to become self-complete is to incorporate these three aspects into daily life.

I tell my clients that we will work together to learn self-responsibility, Self-acceptance and learn the importance of respecting free-will. We will also be learning how to set goals and make agreements that we can keep for ourselves and to others. There are many tools I will teach you to help you achieve your goals. Together we will develop a custom plan to help you become the best “you” that you can be. I also have an extensive network that we can tap into in order to get you where you want to be.