Dragontree Illuminator Life Coach Training

The Dragontree Illuminator Life Coach training program consists of over 130 hours of training. I learned that there are two main approaches to holistic healing. These approaches are Expansion and Forgiveness: These are the keys to healing & freedom, we can use the natural world as a teacher. One theory is the 5 Phase Theory. In this theory we use the five elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal to heal. When we find Balance through the five elements, we can more easily find Sweetness, Structure, and Space. 

As a coach I work hand in hand with my client to assess potential priorities and goals. We then make a plan. As we work together, we will evaluate and track progress and make changes as appropriate. Sessions with me will consist of interventions in the 6 Domains of Life.

  1. Livelihood, Career & Influence 
  2. Relationships & Family
  3. Community Connection
  4. Physical Wellness
  5. Creation, Exploration, Play
  6. Psychological & Spiritual Health 

My training through Dragontree included many different interventions that are designed to help me guide my clients how to connect with love, heart and creativity. Find alignment with the universe and their desires. To help the client to accept themselves wholly, both their strengths and weaknesses. Interventions help the clients with eliciting virtue, integrity, confidence, discovering values and gifts. The clients will discover Purpose, Self-care, and conscionsiously build community. 

 Specific interventions will include:

  1. Managing the Inner Critic Shining Light on the Ego 
  2. Integrating Shadow and Light 
  3. Clearing Baggage Process
  4. Body Centered Releasing 
  5. Intention – Counter Intention Process
  6. Difficult, Important Communications 
  7. Releasing Stories  
  8. Vision and Clarity through setting goals 

Other competencies that I learned were Time Management, Self-Discipline, Systems to Avoid Overwhelm,Procrastination avoidance, ceremony & Ritual, Rapport & Guidance Skills, the art of Holding Space, Flexible Presentation,

I learned different interviewing skills such as inspirational Interviewing, Reflective Listening, how to ask Exploratory and Powerful Questions. Keeping the big picture in play 

I learned skills and Tools for tracking Integrating Homework Principles and Energy Attunement, Professional Boundaries, Ethics and Referring clients to others, Working with Groups, Creating Workshops amd finally how to lead a as a Sacred Act .

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